Autumnal loveliness in the UK

Autumn is, probably, my favourite season to be in the UK.  Yes – it is chilly (but then isn’t our summer), but it is also cosy and the time of year when we most enjoy being at home and catching up with friends.  Summer is always busy, spring sneaks up on us and impresses us with its daffodils and the less said about winter the better.  Autumn is good for many reasons, and I haven’t even included booking a winter sun getaway in the mix (mainly because I still haven’t)…

My current favourite bits of Autumn are actually being found on my working from home days when I fit in some park running and pavement pounding… The cold mornings when the ponds steam in the sunshine:


And the gorgeous evenings in the sunshine, with just the edge of a chill to them:


The colours are stunning – red leaves, pumpkins, conkers, damp and misty mornings.  I love watching the leaves turn in the trees around our home and then getting out into the New Forest at the weekend to see some more.  I don’t think I have ever eaten a pumpkin, but the displays are always great – there is the most enormous field close to home where they are grown that I love driving past too.  On a gorgeous morning the air is so crisp and fresh that the ponds steam.  I read a quote last week that sums up the season for me best – Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is in flower.  So says Albert Camus and you know what, I certainly have a spring in my step in Autumn (and the leaves have barely changed yet!).

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It is a great time of the year for outdoor fun and games.  The international rugby season gets going again (especially so this year in a #carrythemhome world cup frenzy) which means afternoons in the pub or a trip to Twickenham.  There is winter series sailing in Hamble – the air may well be cold by the time of the last race in November, but the water is at its warmest of the year in October.  And there’s plenty of time for walking and biking – days might be shorter but we have had some fantastic days out in Snowdonia and the New Forest over the years – and when the sun shines it feels like summer is back!BeFunky Collage1

Lazy afternoons in the pub or at home socialising with friends become a staple.  Let’s face is – even when the sun does come out, it isn’t actually that warm.  Enjoying the fresh air is great but we need to keep warm and warm pubs with roaring fires call to us.  In our house the BBQ does not get retired when the evenings draw in – complete the opposite actually, in fact I think we use it more!  The kettle BBQ is great for slow cooking a roast dinner – I’m feeling hungry just thinking about it!
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The staycation was always going to get a mention!  We have had some fabulous trips in the Autumn, whether they be day trips from home or a few snatched days in Cornwall or Devon.  A blissful time to be away – everywhere is quiet, but not everything has shut up for the winter.  And when the weather plays ball – it is always worth wearing layers to make the most of the final balmy hours.

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Remember remember the fifth of November…  I never forget it – such a lot of fun!  A roaring fire, sparklers and fireworks.  Last year we were with friends in their village and enjoyed a warming chilli and some read wine whilst watching the flames and keeping ourselves warm.

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And I have to mention Christmas – I couldn’t write about Autumn without looking forward to Christmas and hopefully a little bit more snow.  Christmas was a tough one last year, albeit a stunning one shared between home, Cornwall and Cheshire.  I have a horrid feeling it is going to race towards us again this year but at least it is a time of year when there are more bank holidays from work and plenty of social occasions to enjoy!

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This October has got Autumn off to a cracking start it must be said – the first weekend of the month and I picnicked at Blenheim Palace and sailed in shorts… Long may the Indian summer continue!

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What do you like most about Autumn?  What have I missed? Are you feeling autumnal yet?



    • October 5, 2015 / 7:04 am

      Having just had this scheduled post go up it is not lost on me that today it is 3 degrees and I am shivering waiting for my bus in London!!

  1. October 16, 2015 / 4:49 pm

    Never eaten a pumpkin!! You need to put that right. I’ll soom be posting a risotto pumpkin recipe on my site you might want to try – it’s delicious! Will read rest of your post now 😉

    • October 16, 2015 / 4:56 pm

      Sounds tasty, I love sweet potato and I love risotto so I think I will try it…

  2. October 16, 2015 / 9:21 pm

    I love searching for weird toadstools during walks in the woods near our house and kicking up the leaves. There’s bonfire season – each of our local villages take turns to celebrate until early December. And there’s the log-burner which went on for the first time last night. Toasty. I love autumn 🙂

    • October 17, 2015 / 8:10 pm

      Oh I wish we had a log burner, heating went on here last week brrr

  3. October 16, 2015 / 9:39 pm

    I like autumn also, but it is quite a short season for us in Australia. It is a lovely time of year because we mostly get a continuation of summer but with some milder weather starting to show. By the end of autumn, we are starting to cook heartier meals like lamb shanks and thinking about putting the heaters on, but then it is nearly officially our winter.

    • October 17, 2015 / 8:11 pm

      Autumn sounds much more summery for you in Australia!!

  4. October 17, 2015 / 2:34 am

    I have never been much of a autumn fan, but after spending Fall here in the US and Canada I could become hooked. Those first photos are certainly also a cheer for Autumn for sure.

    • October 17, 2015 / 8:12 pm

      Fall in New England is gorgeous – it is a cheery time

  5. October 17, 2015 / 9:45 am

    I love the Autumnal colours, they are so pretty. You have some super photos on this post, and it’s lovely to hear how tuned into the season you are. I remember the fun of kicking through fallen leaves as a child, back in Ireland. 🙂

    • October 17, 2015 / 8:13 pm

      Thanks Jackie – kicking leaves, I haven’t done that yet this year, maybe next weekend!!

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